Dressing for the cold
- Dress in layers. Use many thin, warm layers rather than a few thick layers. It will insulate better and allow you to strip off layers if the temperature climbs.
- Dress for the appropriate activity level. Dressing for an active day of skiing will be different than dressing for a sedentary day of ice fishing.
- Buy or find a pair of insulated boots. Ideally, the lining should be wool or synthetic--not cotton. Linings can be purchased separately. You can purchase boots already with the lining, or use boots two sizes larger than usual, and use a lining.
- Wear winter socks. Warm winter socks are important in keeping warm dry feet. Wool is best, although good synthetic "fleece" socks are often quite good. You can layer socks, but be careful that your feet are comfortable and the circulation isn't shut down.
- Use a good quality coat, parka, or jacket. Generally speaking, the thicker the better, whether it is a synthetic ski jacket, a wool pea coat, or a down jacket.
- Wear a base layer. A "base layer" is long johns, union suit, long underwear, or whatever can provide a warm, light base to your winter gear. Merino wool products are recognised as one of the best base layers available.
- Wear a hat. While it's a myth that most body heat escapes through the head, covering any exposed body part helps retain body heat.
- Wear gloves or mittens. Fingers and hands are very vulnerable to the cold, so keep them covered. Very thin gloves (like "magic gloves") are better than nothing, but comfortable, warm gloves are important.
- Hand warmers can be useful, especially if you don't have shelter handy.They can be purchased at any outdoor or hunting store. Never use these as a substitute for dressing warmly, however.
- Wear more than one layer on your legs. Oddly, some people will wear five layers on their torso, and only one layer on the legs. At minimum, have a base layer like long underwear and an outer layer, like snowboarding pants.
- Keep dry. Being wet will cause chill to set in more quickly than if you're dry. Have waterproof or at least water resistant outer layers.