around the world kitchen

In today’s world of chaos and violence towards immigrants and refugees it may feel overwhelming to help do anything. While one person is not able to solve the entire problem. Together we can unmake violence by fighting for peace and purposefully inviting each other into our lives. We have found that sitting down with other cultures over a meal is a great way to get to know each other and offer that peace. When it comes down to it we all share relationship needs. We all need each other. A meal offers common ground to get to know one another. This cookbook is our attempt to make a small but important step to create spaces of community. Grab a cookbook, try a recipe or two, and start inviting!
NOW Available November 2019. Price $10.00 for shipping to home add $2.75
NOW Available November 2019. Price $10.00 for shipping to home add $2.75

Click here for the order form or order on line below. Make payments to Boston International Student Ministry and mail to P.O. Box 206, Southborough MA 01772. Thank you!