
Bicycling around:
Many students and others bicycle in urban areas. Below, you will find the rules. Keep in mind however, that Boston drivers are "notorious," so PLEASE BE CAREFUL.
Bicycling in Traffic
Many students and others bicycle in urban areas. Below, you will find the rules. Keep in mind however, that Boston drivers are "notorious," so PLEASE BE CAREFUL.
Bicycling in Traffic
- Share the roads. Motorists are required by law to treat bicyclists just like other drivers.
- Follow the traffic rules. The complete City traffic rules are available at
- The definition of "vehicle" specifically includes "bicycles." Therefore, where the rules refer to "vehicle" they mean both motor vehicles and bicycles, and where they refer to "driver of a vehicle" they mean both motorists and bicyclists. The rules of the road are in Articles V and VI.
- Massachusetts law states that bicyclists have a right to use the roads and must follow the traffic rules and requires helmets for bicyclists 12 and younger.
- Ride with traffic. Many collisions are caused by bicyclists who do not follow the traffic rules. Riding against traffic is one of the leading causes of car-bike collisions.
- The Bicycle Drivers Manual has detailed information on safe and effective riding in Boston traffic or anywhere. This publication, Bicycling Street Smarts, is also available at your local bicycle shop.
- Use lights. After dark you are required by law to use a white headlight and a rear reflector or rear light. Even if you can see the road ahead, without a headlight you may not be sufficiently visible to traffic that must yield to you. A rear light is strongly recommended, since the reflectors that come with new bicycles are not bright enough to be seen prominently and may be blocked by baggage.
- Keep behind turning trucks. Do not get to the right side of trucks and buses turning right or that could turn right. Stay behind or ahead, but not beside. Fatalities have occurred when bicyclists fall under the right rear wheels of a truck or bus.
- Ride on the right half of the road, with the flow of traffic. Motorists and pedestrians do not look for bicyclists coming from the wrong direction. Riding against traffic is the single largest cause of collisions with cars.
- Look ahead for potholes, debris, and other obstacles. As soon as you see one, look behind and merge left, as traffic permits, well before you reach the obstacle.
- Do not get close enough to parked cars so that opening doors may hit you.
- Do not pass on the right of cars turning right.
- Where there is space, leave enough room for faster traffic to pass. You may occupy any part of a lane when your safety warrants it. Never compromise your safety for the convenience of a motorist behind you.
- Your bicycle must have a white front light and a red rear light or rear reflector during hours of darkness.
- Your bicycle must be able to stop within 30 feet from a speed of 15 mph when on a dry, clean, hard, level surface.
- If you are 12 or younger, you must use a bicycle helmet. Wearing a properly- fitted helmet greatly reduces the risk of brain injuries, the leading type of fatal and disabling injuries to bicyclists.
- When signaling a turn or a stop you may use either hand.
- You must give your name and address when asked by a police officer.