Living In Cold Waether

Keeping warm in the cold winter. Here are some tips to be warmer outside.

In most university cities, local banks offer specific student packages that include an ATM banking card and free checks. Some banks will offer students a credit card with a pre-approved maximum credit limit of up to $500. A credit card should only be used in cases of emergencies and you should make sure that the ATM banking card your child receives also functions as a Visa/Mastercard debit card. Make sure that the bank shows you how to use the checkbook properly.
Official American Holidays

- New Year’s Day, January 1st
Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr., third Monday in January, a leader in the Civil Rights movement
Washington’ Birthday, third Monday in February (also known as
Presidents’ Day)
Memorial Day, last Monday in May, honoring people in the armed forces
who died in battle
U.S. Independence Day, July 4
Labor Day, first Monday in September, honoring workers
Columbus Day, second Monday in October
Veterans Day, November 11th, honoring those retired from the military.·
Thanksgiving Day, fourth Thursday in November
Christmas Day, December 25th.

Virtually every international student residing in the U.S. is subject to U.S. federal (and possibly state) income tax filing requirements. In most instances, the filing is informational only, with no tax due. Failure to properly comply with these requirements can have serious implications, especially for those individuals with significant income from their home countries. Proper filing can document the exemption of such non-U.S. source income from U.S. tax. Additionally, failure to file required tax returns may jeopardize possible subsequent application for a temporary H-1 work permit or permanent residence or "green card" status. The foreign-related aspects of U.S. taxation are a very specialized area of expertise, and even many so-called "tax preparers" in the U.S. are not qualified to competently deal with such issues.
Day Light Saving Time

The US is under a day light saving progam that helps save enengy, and increases our day light time. Each fall the time is set back an hour and each sprin it is push forward an hour. (Fall - back) (Spring - forward) is a way to remember this
US Postal System

The US has a central run postal system run by the government. Each town has one or more post offices.